Get FREE access to the challenge that will take your salon to the next level with dreamy clients that can't WAIT to come back!

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By optionally submitting your phone number, you consent to receiving text messages from Karen Hardee pertaining to your beauty, suite, or salon business, and you can opt out at any time!

This free challenge is for you if:

  • You are making less than 100K a year behind the chair or under 500K as a salon owner.

  • If you raise your prices and your clients give you the push back.

  • You're stressed, burned out, and the nagging feeling that you are not making enough money.

  • When every problem feels like it may take you down, and you wish you could just pull the covers over your head and wish it would all go away.

  • If you don’t have a marketing strategy and you are just kind of throwing stuff out there hoping it sticks?

  • If you are a salon owner and have employees without full books.

  • You are struggling to fill the gaps in your days and you find yourself accepting clients or services you don't love, maybe even dreading the very place that once excited you.

  • You see others being successful, but you have no idea how to get the clients you would love to do.

  • You know there has to be a better way, but you are just not sure what it is and really questioning is it all worth it.

Day 1

Determine your ideal client

Day 2

How to get in front of your ideal client

Day 3

Retain loyal guests & raving fans for life!

Karen Hardee is a seven-figure salon owner, a Platform Color Artist, and a wife and mom. She has been published in the book Beauty Within You along with many other top leaders in the beauty industry and featured in many articles for her Leadership Skills.

Karen coaches Driven Salon, Suite Owners & Stylist that want to bust through the 6 Figure Business to a 7 Figure plus Salon Business by empowering them to define their purpose, build their leadership skill, create a business plan designed for their business, market it on social media, and create a life they Dreamed of. Karen shares from her 25+ years of experience growing her dream into the #1 salon in her area, and taking it to being one of the Top 200 Fastest Growing Salons in North America.

Copyright © 2023 Karen Hardee. All Rights Reserved.